
How to take long exposure photos with your Samsung Galaxy phone



Your Samsung smartphone comes with great camera quality and features, and trust me if you know how to get the most out of your Galaxy camera, you won’t need any expensive DSLR to capture stunning shots. You might have heard about long-exposure photos, they look more amazing and unique than usual pictures and you can capture them with your Samsung phone’s camera.

If you think long exposure is some photographer terminology, let me tell you that it basically means keeping the shutter open longer than normal. However, this small difference offers the kinds of effects you can’t get by just pointing and shooting at something, and it means you can take better pictures in extremely low-light situations.

With this kind of photography, one can create light trails, cool cloud-like effects for shooting running water, their own ghost photos, or some really cool photos of the starry night sky.

Long-exposure photography may sound difficult, but they really aren’t. With a little know-how, you can start getting amazing results. Let’s check out how you can capture perfect long exposure photos with your Samsung Galaxy phone.

How to capture Long Exposure Pictures:

First of all, open the stock ‘Camera’ app on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Now tap on the ‘More’ option placed in the bottom toolbar and select ‘Pro’ mode.

Now we have to adjust the shutter speed. To do so, tap on the ‘SPEED’ option. You will see a solid number here, it indicates how long the shutter is open – for example, 1/30 is 1/30th of a second, 5 is simply five seconds.

Once you tap on ‘SPEED’, use your finger to slide the dial. Now you’ll need to experiment a bit to find the best exposure for your situation, but in general, anything over 1/30 will be slower than a regular photo, so I’ll go for ‘2’.

Once done and you are ready to take the photo, simply take the shutter button. You will see a progress circle indicating how long the shutter is open, that’s all there is to it. The picture you have cleared will be saved where all your photos are kept normally.