There are several ways to pay, however, nowadays, the majority of consumers favor contactless transactions while purchasing or sending money. Various platforms such as Samsung Pay,...
Nowadays, mobile phones offer huge capacity batteries, while manufacturers are now involved in charging speed competition and introducing fast chargers. However, there are 3 tips so...
Like Google, Samsung also offers its own keyboard known as Samsung Keyboard. It provides a tonne of customization options. However, the business is also aware that...
WhatsApp is the famous messaging platform that most users use. You can chat with anyone no matter how far and can do video calls and voice...
A built-in Samsung feature called Storage Booster assists in freeing up device memory if the storage on your Galaxy device is getting low. Let’s examine its...
In WhatsApp, it’s simple to unintentionally delete images. You might be wondering how to get back WhatsApp pictures after making an incorrect tap. Let’s examine how...
Keyboard is a necessary component of any smartphone and Samsung has enhanced the built-in One UI-based Keyboard app with lots of customization possibilities. Here are three...
While traveling, you should take advantage of many of the resources provided by Google Maps. These Google Maps tips and tricks will help you make your...
The Android operating system’s settings can be changed to customize your smartphone as per your requirements. In this article, we are highlighting 5 less-known features in...
It’s likely that you have multiple laptops or desktop computers connected to your home wifi, which means you may need to exchange files among them. There...