
Samsung will now be known as Samsung in Japan too!



Due to political tensions and economic ties between Japan and South Korea, Samsung renamed itself as Galaxy in Japan. However, the company has now renamed itself Samsung abandoning the Galaxy Mobile branding from its official site and support centers.

Starting today, Galaxy Mobile Japan’s online store and social networking services will shine the original Samsung branding. It was a long time since Samsung is keeping away itself from Japan and doing business with its iconic Galaxy tag.

In other parts of the world, the company proudly displays its name – Samsung. Meanwhile, it managed to keep its branding hidden in Japan due to internal concerns, but it’s not the case anymore. Similar to other countries, the company will now be known as Samsung in Japan.

So far, the South Korean tech giant displayed the “Galaxy” tag in Japan not only on its official site but also on social media accounts, the YouTube channel (Galaxy Mobile Japan), and offline authorized stores. Notably, Samsung is an Olympic Games sponsor but didn’t use the original name anywhere in Tokyo.

This change would benefit Samsung against rivals like Apple in the country. Galaxy Mobile has already gained a pretty solid reputation in the market, which will further grow under Samsung’s name. As the company now feels comfortable presenting itself as Samsung, the Galaxy S23 will now be called Samsung Galaxy S23.

At present, the revamped Samsung shop in Japan has special offers on Galaxy Care, which is also renamed as Samsung Care.

“On February 28, 2023, Japan also changed to Samsung, and the world was unified to Samsung. With the change of the company brand from Galaxy to Samsung in Japan, the name of the official website for Japan and the official account of SNS have changed.” Source

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